Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Letter from the Chairman

Dear fellow Young Republican:

It was little bit less than a year ago, in the wake of the November 2008 election, that Jim Smail, Chairman of the Wayne County Republican Party, approached me about starting a young republicans club in Wayne County. Agreeing to take on the task, the officers of the Wayne County Young Republicans have worked diligently since that time to lay the foundation for a strong and viable organization. Now formally chartered through the Ohio Federation of Young Republicans, the Wayne County Young Republicans is quickly becoming a noticeable presence within the party.

If you are interested in joining like minded individuals with a passion for politics, social concerns, and the political process, we encourage you to attend one of our upcoming events. We meet once a month in a variety of different venues around Wayne County. Our meetings and social events provide a relaxed environment where our members have the opportunity to meet people in a friendly and casual atmosphere and engage in meaningful conversation about current issues and events. Republicans, like yourself, need to be reminded there are others like you, looking to network and develop a unified local presence in Wayne County. Some of our past events include: a political roast of Nancy Pelosi at the Wooster Inn; pizza and discussion at the Grande Ranch; a back yard barbeque in Doylestown; a social event with special guest Matthew Old (Chairman of the Erie County Republican Party and the youngest county party chairman in Ohio); as well as several other exciting events.

Contrary to what you hear in the mainstream media, it's NOT a character flaw or unpopular to be young and be a Republican or a Conservative. In fact, a recent Gallup Poll reveals that an equal number of people between the age of 18 to 29 years of age self-identify as a "conservative" as the number that self-identify as a "liberal". Young Republicans not only exist, we’re just as numerous as the individuals on the liberal left wing! To counter the Democrats expansive strategy targeting young people in the greater Wayne County area, we are pleased to invite you to become a member of the Wayne County Young Republicans.

If you are interested in being part of our exciting and entertaining group, please contact us at the number listed, drop us an email, or connect with us though Facebook, Twitter, or through any of the other social networking links provided in our officers' profiles. We have also included a calendar of our upcoming events for your convenience. Look forward to seeing you at our next event!

Best regards,

Matthew A. Long,

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