Why Politico got it Wrong
The following is a response from our Chairman Doug Deeken to a recent article from Politico
The dirty little secret is we don't NEED some super dynamo to beat Obama in 2012. In fact, someone who is careful to avoid a misstep is probably better than somebody with "Nike Breath". Obama is beating himself, our #1 priority is to get out of the way and let him lose.
The comparisons in there were all wrong. I'll go item by item:
-If we were just handing it to "the next guy in line" then it is Romney by a mile. If we do that, we lose like Dole did and we'll deserve it. I'm not going to tolerate that.
-Lots of people USED to think that 2012 was going to be a Democrat year. Up until October of last year the ORP couldn't draft a soul to run for the US Senate seat against Sherrod Brown. After November, the ORP has more senatorial-resumes on their desk than you can imagine. Things have chnaged...in our favor.
-Bush 41 didn't lose because Clinton was all that great of a campaigner. And Obama cannot hold a candle to Bill Clinton's campaign instincts. Clinton won because Bush flip-flopped on taxes, the recovery was slow and Perot was in the race. Which brings me to my next point.
-The economy is all critical. There is some unemployment number, some have said 7.3%, above which incumbents simply do not win. Regardless of whose fault it might be, the unemployed and generally downtrodden don't give breaks to powerful men looking to suck down more gravy. If the recovery is in full swing by 11/2012 then Obama might win based on that alone. If it remains slow, then almost anyone who DOESN'T SCREW IT UP (see above) can beat him.
-About being "exciting" or "energizing" or whatever - that is a matter of perspective. No mainstream media reporter is going to give any kudos to our guy, regardless of whether or not he deserves them. But there is exciting stuff going on over here. Herma Cain has real buzz; T-Paw called for ending ethanol subsidies which resounds with the Tea Party; Santorum has the social conservatives jazzed up. In the era of modern internet communication it does not matter what the priviledged "journalist elite" think of our guys. We can get the STRAIGHT SCOOP from like minded folks and decide on our own without the help of ABC/NBC/CBS/Pravda. If that makes the journalists nervous....well GOOD.
-Obama downing Guinness in Ireland is not "Presidential". Neither is his slapping Israel down. "Presidential" is touring damaged areas and sending help ASAP, which he can't be troubled to do. "Presidential" is not throwing temper tantrums based on initial reports about some limp ivy league professor's treatment by the cops. "Presidential" is applying the law fairly and evenly - not exempting your pals in the Black Panthers from prosecution and most every union from ObamaCare.
-The media will continue to be Obama's pet UNTIL they decide that the story of his fall is more interesting than the made-up story of his success. Got doubts? Ask Bill Clinton, who felt betrayed when the media jumped all over the Lewinsky story, how that works. The only question is will that point come before the election? If it does, Obama loses regardless of any other factor.
The media has a template for the GOP primary. That template is "boring". They will repeat it incessantly regardless of its veracity. Rather than try to appeal to THEIR taste of what is interesting, our guys should appeal to OUR taste of what is important. We do that and we'll put yet another nail in the coffin of the mainstream media, which is already smarting from a dwindling following.
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